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Guard Your Mind

Sometime ago (y'all know I like to be as vague as possible), I had the opportunity to pray with an individual who said they were battling...


If you're a mom, you know mom life really flies by. Sometimes a day turns into a week and a week into two weeks, before I even realize...

You Don't Have To Live With That

Some time ago I had an encounter with a patient that really got my wheels spinning. At this patients last dental visit, our doctor called...

Yield to Honor

On Thursday, my family will celebrate the life of my Paw Paw. If you know anything about my relationship with him, you might know that...

The Christmas Spirit

It is only December 4th, but this year we have been very intentional about doing all things Christmas, and doing them early. And I'm not...

Acha, Farrah & Merritt

Those names probably don't ring a bell with you unless you've heard part of my testimony. Nonetheless, they are very important to me....

Help Is On The Way

Last year for Ava's birthday, several of our family members pitched in and we built her an incredible playset. Most afternoons when we...

Just Start

About a month ago the Lord was really working on my heart about what can happen if we will only just start. That's the exact phrase He...

Poured Out

Sunday I found myself standing in church, worshipping, minding my own and then I saw it ... I saw God standing over the congregation and...

Trays up. Head Down. Brace for Impact.

Or in my case, laugh. This morning while our pastor was preaching about how God is all knowing and He has already seen the end, I was...

Holy Ghost Power Wheels

Beep-Beep. Right? I know. Several weeks ago the Lord gave me an analogy about the Holy Ghost and power wheels. If you have a religious...

Do You Trust Me?

About 4 weeks ago I was driving home from work and I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me "Do you trust me?" My initial response was "of...

Clean Sweep

Early Thursday morning I received a message from one of our dear friends saying he and his family needed to come to Elizabeth City (where...


Hebrews 10:23 New International Version (NIV) 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. A lot...

Your First Love

Yesterday as I was driving home from work, this one song lyrics rang through my head "we receive Joy in the Holy Ghost." I heard it over...

What Are You Living For?

The Holy Spirit was on me early yesterday morning, asking me a hard question: What are you living for? Yall. I’m not going to lie. This...


Today my heart was burdened. Burdened by the fact that I return to work tomorrow. Burdened by the fact that it’s before the stay-at-home...

Out of Sync

We've hit some kind of phase in life with Ava. I don't want to label it but I have in a sense mentally labeled it. Over the past several...


Luke 6:36 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Two mornings ago I woke at the same time as I have for the last three weeks,...

He is For You

As I was cooking lunch today I pulled out my computer and pulled up "The Blessing," by Kari Jobe on Youtube. If you've never heard this...

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