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  • Writer's pictureErica Meads

Trays up. Head Down. Brace for Impact.

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

Or in my case, laugh.

This morning while our pastor was preaching about how God is all knowing and He has already seen the end, I was reminded about a time I was told I needed to "brace for impact."

Back in 2010 I felt the Lord urge me to join a group from our church, on a mission trip to Thailand.

I can still remember where I was sitting in our church sanctuary. It was a beautiful day and I was sitting beside one of the stained glass windows and the sun was gently shinning on my shoulder. As the preacher began to share about an opportunity to go on a mission trip to Thailand, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me "go."

It was one of the first times in my adult life where I can remember hearing the audible voice of God so clearly. I didn't even question it. It was well with my soul.

And so I did. I signed up and paid my money and did all the things necessary to "go."

On our first leg of the trip from Norfolk to Chicago, the pilot came over the speakers and let us know that there was an issue with one of the wings and that it wasn't working. I'm not exactly sure what the problem was but the flight attendants seemed very concerned.

In an attempt to prepare for landing, the flight attendants came over the speakers and told us that all trays needed to be up and that we needed to have our heads down and brace for impact.

Well, no offense to the flight attendants and pilot but I knew God had called me to Thailand for that mission trip, so I wasn't concerned.

As everyone braced for impact, I sat in my window seat, looking out the window, laughing.

I remember people seeming very anxious as they braced for impact.

And there I was "OH WOW! Look at ALL of the firetrucks and emergency vehicles waiting for us." (There were more but this was the only picture I could find).

The landing was a bit rough and bumpy but we made it.

I was laughing at the landing. Laughing at the brace. Laughing at what was happening, because I knew we were going to be fine. I knew God had called us to that mission. And I also knew that if God had called me to do something, He would see it to completion. That's Bible. That's faith.

Phillippians 1:6 New International Version

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

And so today after church, God only continued to reiterate this verse to me.

Because after church I saw a young lady that I love so much. She recently started law school and I remember when she was applying to law school last year, I prayed specifically for God to only allow her to be accepted to the school that He wanted her to go to. And so God was faithful, and doors were closed and a door was opened.

And as she stood in-front of me today, telling me about how hard school is (DUH, it's Law School) I looked at her and said "If you weren't supposed to be there, God would've completely shut all of the doors. And if He brought you to it, He didn't put you there to fail. You will succeed."

Now don't get me wrong, she may have some road blocks and bumps along the way, but God doesn't call us to something and intend for us to fail at it.

If we will place our faith and trust in Him; If we will lean on Him for strength; He will be faithful to carry us through the thing He has called us to.

He has already seen the future. He already knows the landing.

Leave your tray table opened. Look out the window. Enjoy the ride. And most importantly, laugh!

Laugh at fear. Laugh at anxiety. Laugh at darkness. Laugh at the road blocks. Laugh at the bumps. Laugh with confidence that you will not fail if God has called you to something and you walk it out by His Spirit.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

There's no need to brace for impact, if you're resting securely in His arms and in His perfect will. He has already cushioned the blow. Because God is faithful and Jesus took all of the impact we should've had to brace for in this life, over 2000 years ago on the cross.

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