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  • Writer's pictureErica Meads

You Don't Have To Live With That

Some time ago I had an encounter with a patient that really got my wheels spinning.

At this patients last dental visit, our doctor called in a prescription strength sensitivity toothpaste for the patient due to ongoing, persistent tooth sensitivity.

When the patient walked in the room, I immediately asked them "hey, did you pick up the toothpaste the doctor called in for your tooth sensitivity?"

The patient laughed and said, "welllllll (long pause), I waited too long to go get it and when I made it to the pharmacy, they had already put it back."

And so I said, "that's okay, we have a similar toothpaste in stock here, if you'd like it. I can send it home with you today."

And the patient responded, "Nah, I'll just live with it."

A tad out of character for me, I loudly proclaimed, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT."

It caught both me and the patient off guard but we both laughed.

But while I was cleaning this individuals teeth, I thought about that statement: You don't have to live with that.

And It really touched my spirit.

There are so many things in life we simply don't have to live with.

Depression. Guilt. Anger. Hurt. Sickness. Anxiety. Grief. The list goes on and on.

I'm not saying you won't encounter these emotions, but they don't have to be persistent and ongoing.

Just as my patient who has had an issue with sensitivity for years, decided not to take the prescription to fix the issue, too many people refuse to take the prescription for life, that covers a multitude of things.

And I just want to encourage you, if your life feels heavy and dark and you have things that cause "persistent sensitivity," in your life, there is a prescription available to you today. His name is Jesus. He brings life, peace, joy, forgiveness, restoration and freedom.

And He will not only carry you through the very thing that you think you have to live with, but He has power to break the persistent sensitive thing off of your life. All you have to do is say enough is enough and surrender to picking up your prescription that has already been filled for you through the blood of Jesus Christ.

And so as we roll into this Easter season, I want to encourage you, you don't have to live with that (whatever that is); pick up the prescription before it's too late.

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