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  • Writer's pictureErica Meads

The Christmas Spirit

It is only December 4th, but this year we have been very intentional about doing all things Christmas, and doing them early. And I'm not really sure why other than the simple notion that doing all of the things helps get us in the Christmas spirit.

Earlier today I dropped Ava off at a birthday party. When I left her, I took Maggie with me to run some errands. And as I was driving back from those errands, the Holy Spirit pressed the idea of 'preparation' into my spirit.

It's only four days into December and yet for the last three or more weeks we have been preparing for Christmas.

We've decorated the tree and hung the stockings. Heck, I've even purchased and wrapped almost all of the gifts we will give. We've been to a parade, seen several Santas, taken Christmas pictures, worn light-up Christmas necklaces and visited Christmas town. All because we are preparing for Christmas and doing the things we need to do to get into the Christmas spirit.

And today while the Holy Spirit was pressing on me about preparation, He pressed in my spirit about the most important preparation of all - the preparation for eternity.

And as He was doing that, the phrase "you don't have to go to church to go to heaven," raced through my mind.

And He said, it's preparation. Going to church is preparation. We prepare for all sorts of things, but what about the most important event of all - the day we see Jesus face-to-face.

Yes, it's true, you don't have to go to church to go to heaven, but, it is preparation. Church is an opportunity to prepare our hearts and minds for the week that lies ahead. It's an opportunity to prepare our Spirits. It's an opportunity to prepare so we are ready to share with others.

Simply put, church is preparation.

Hewbrews 10:25 -- And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

Going to church helps us prepare. Just as we get in the Christmas spirit by doing all of the things that help us prepare for Christmas, we get in the presence of the Holy Spirit by doing all the things that prepare us for eternity - one of which is church. The gathering together; the spuring on of one another; corporate worship and praise, as well as individual worship and praise; reading the Bible; praying - It's all part of the preparation.

And I just want to encourage you to prepare. Jump in and prepare. Prepare by being intentional about dong all of the things that get you into the presence of His spirit. Because after all, He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) and the best reward of all, is heaven.

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