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  • Writer's pictureErica Meads


If you're a mom, you know mom life really flies by. Sometimes a day turns into a week and a week into two weeks, before I even realize it. I'm not making excuses, I'm just saying, mom life is the best wild use of time.

Anyway, it was about two weeks ago, I mean, I think it was two weeks. It could've been three. Honestly I cannot remember because I did not write it down .. because, mom life. Alright, enough of that.

So about two weeks ago, I was doing dishes in the kitchen and I felt the Holy Spirit lead to me anoint Jason's glasses. That morning, like most mornings, was sort of hectic and he was already wearing his glasses, so I tabled it to the mental 'to do' list.

Wonk wonk. Just so you know. I do not endorse ever tabling anything God or the Holy Spirit prompts you to do. I repeat, do not table the things of God.

Anyway, the Sunday before that, Jason had been given a prophetic word about seeing things in the spirit and dealing with his vision. I won't elaborate, because that's his word. But when the Holy Spirit promoted me to anoint his glasses, in my simple mind, I just put two and two together and decided it was for that prophetic word.

Funny thing is, I went to work that morning and told one of my co-workers that the Holy Spirit had prompted me to anoint Jason's glasses and that I was going to do it when I got home that evening.

Well, I didn't.

That day turned into two days, and two days into a week, and a week into two weeks. Well, see, now we're back at the beginning.

However, sometime last week, I felt very convicted. I mean, VERY convicted. And so I prayed and I asked the Lord to forgive me and be gracious to me (and Jason) even though I was disobedient. Because you never know what's on the other end of obedience or disobedience. And that thought that I could possible be keeping Jason from something God has for him because of my disobedience really upset me. And the thought that I could possibly be putting Jason in danger by lack of my obedience to something God had called me to pray about, really upset me.

And so while Jason was sleeping I went and got his eye glasses and anointed them. I cleaned them, prayed over them and I anointed them. I actually did this to both pairs of his glasses.

Now at this time in the process, Jason had found out that there was a spot on his nose and he was given a cream to apply to it nightly. You know, I am not even going to give that thing a name, because I'm not going to give it power.

So anyway, again, in my simple mind, I just figured, hey, two plus two, again. I've been anointing these glasses on the nose and that's why the Lord had me to do it. Because the Lord is going to heal this spot and Jason's tissue will be healthy, restored and healed.

So I anointed Jason's glasses for a few day. I cleaned them, prayed over them, and I anointed them. And then Thursday came. On my way home I was talking to Jason on the phone about how we needed to go get him some new glasses. See, after cleaning them for a few days, I realized he needed some new ones. And as we were talking, he said "yeah, I ruined mine today. Such and such (I can't remember the term he used), flew up in my face and ruined my glasses."

And there it was.

Just so we are clear. It would've torn me up if something had damaged Jason's eyes and I felt it was because I didn't obey, and obey quickly, the thing God asked me to do.

Everything with God is an invitation. Salvation is an invitation. Healing is an invitation. Having a relationship with Jesus is an invitation. The 10 commandments are an invitation. Every invitation from God is for your benefit. God extends invitations to us so that we can have life and have it more abundantly.

The invitation from God to me was to anoint Jason's glasses.

For several days I denied the invite. How easy would it have been for me to deny the invite so long, that I would've forgotten it? Is there something God has invited you to do? Maybe it's a thing from the past, maybe it's an invitation that came today. Whatever it is, I encourage you to say yes.

Maybe the invitation for anointing was for the claiming of the prophetic word. Maybe the invitation for anointing was for the healing of the tissue. Or maybe, just maybe, the invitation for anointing was for the protection. Because that thing that ruined his glasses did not harm his eyes.

And so I want to encourage you. Say yes to any and all invitations from God and say yes to them quickly. Be obedient. Be obedient quickly. Learn from me, do not table the things of God. Also, ask. How simple would it have been for me to ask God 'why' he wanted me to anoint Jason's glasses, instead of just doing my simple two plus two math. Maybe God would've shared the answer. And maybe He wouldn't. But I could've asked.

Why am I sharing this today? Well, this is what my pastor preached on today. 3 Keys to Spiritual Growth: Obey God First. Obey God Quickly. Obey God Fully.

Here's your invitation. Take a watch and be blessed.

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